Ulf Krueger-Janson, M.Sc. – Workshops and further education
Ulf Krueger-Janson, M.Sc. – Workshops and further education
Ulf Krueger-Janson is Vice President of the German Society for Restorative and Regenerative Dentistry, Member of the “Neue Gruppe“ as well as other specialist bodies such as the DGÄZ, DGFDT and DGZ, and a certified member of the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry. His surgery is in Frankfurt am Main.
For the last 20 years he has successfully developed dental approaches that focus on applying a range of tools and techniques, including prosthodontics, implants, ceramic restoration as well as the creative application of orthodontic composites
His current focus in on the use of digital technology to capture the correct morphological features of natural looking incisors and their reconstruction by the use of dental composites. He has authored many German and international papers, and has examined and provided instruction internationally.
His book 3D Composites – Natural Shading and Shaping was published in 2010
2012 Founding member and Vice President of the DGR2Z
(German Society for Restorative and Regenerative Dentistry)
2010 – 2014
Contributed to the following postgraduate courses:
M.Sc. University Krems
M.Sc. University Manchester (Mandec, UK)
M.Sc. University Greifswald (DGÄZ)
2012 Member of the Frankfurt Association of Dentists
2010 Publication of the book 3D Composites
2010 Members of BAK www.bak-ev.de
(The Bensheim Working Group)
Since 2005 providing postgraduate instruction nationally and internationally
2005 Members of DGFDT www.dgfdt.de
(German Society for Functional Diagnostics and Therapy)
2004 Members of DGZ www.dgz-online.de
(German Society for Dental Care)
2002 Members of the “Neue Gruppe” www.neue-gruppe.com
(A Scientific Association of Dentists of national and international repute. At present it has approximately 150 members, most of them in Germany with some in the United States, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Austria and The Netherlands)
1993 Members of DGÄZ www.dgaez.de
(German Society for Aesthetic Dentistry)
1991 Opened surgery
2010 Publication of 3D Composites – Natural Shading and Shaping. A handbook on aesthetic composite restoration – simple and effective
This new reference book starts off by concentrating on the training of the senses in order to enable practitioners to perceive and reproduce the shapes, contours and colour of individual teeth more consciously. Once the senses have been sharpened, it’s time for implementation: The book contains a set of practice-orientated instructions showing how to construct the layers simply as well as hints for the correct handling of the appropriate materials and tools. Finally, the reader gets the chance to follow the author’s technique for the localisation of fillings with the aid of selected case studies.
Ulf Krueger-Janson also provides a treasure chest of case studies, offering the practitioner a well-structured compendium of problem, showing how they can be solved aesthetically and functionally.
The book consists of eight chapters that captivate the reader with their didactic focus, composition and the brilliant illustrations. “A book that at the same time inspires, instructs and motivates.
“A must-have for every ambitious practitioner”.
Hardcover, 264 pages, 1300 pictures
CASE REPORT – Anteriore Ästhetik durch posteriore Funktion?!
SPECIAL – SCHIENENTHERAPIE – Computerunterstützte Herstellung einer okklusalen Orthopädieschiene
CASE REPORT Zahntechnik Interdisziplinär I
CASE REPORT Zahntechnik Interdisziplinär II
Direktes Kompositveneer aus Flow
DZK Flow im Zervikalbereich
Habit und Inzisalkante
Keramikinlays-Teilkronen Heraeus ICEM
Schneidekante und Kompositaufbau
Opaleszenz und Komposit, im Interdentalraum
QZ Veneers aus Keramik oder Komposit im Vergleich 2012
Zervikalfüllung Schichtaufbau
Restorative Article Build Up Perfect Tooth
Restaurations esthetiques de classe V
Dieter Schulz www.dieter-schulz.com – Bensheim
“The clear objective of the team-work between the dentist, the dental technician and other experts is to work together to restore teeth to their original functional condition”
Kurt Reichel www.reichel-zahntechnik.de
“Our aim is to restore teeth so that it is almost impossible to tell that they have been restored – and that they appear quite natural. We are focused on our patients; the dentist and dental technician work together to recognise and satisfy their patients’ specific requirements effectively and competently”
Heinz Seifert www.seifert-dental.de
Harald Jung www.jung-feine-zaehne.de
Dr. Schäfer (Dental Surgery, Implants) www.dysgnathie.de
Dr. Pontius (Endodontics) www.pontius.de
The following courses are provided by Ulf Krueger-Janson